This privacy statement describes how we handle the information we collect about you when you visit our site.

We give the utmost importance to respecting the privacy and personal data of our users.
We also give a great importance to the protection of your privacy in the way we create, organize and implement our business activities.

In order to maintain (a) maximum protection of your personal data, our site, as well as the administrating actors (host, IT service providers) will comply with the principles laid down (described) in the national and community texts.

Link Status
The practices described in this personal data protection policy statement only concern the website External links from other bodies / entities linked to the company La Kaz Bourbon may be presented on our site, for partnership purposes. You may refer to the privacy policies of other bodies / entities when you visit their website (s).
We draw your attention to the fact that we are in no way responsible for the Privacy Policy and the content of other sites.

Purpose and categories of data collected
You can visit our website without disclosing personal information. However, some services you use require the collection and storage of a number of automatically recognized items: date and time, IP address, domain name, browser software and system. Operation used (if the browser provides this information), the address of the page visited (if the browser provides it), the requested object and the execution status of the request.

This data is collected by means of cookies, intended to improve our services and for statistical purposes.

We also keep a certain amount of personal data that you have provided us voluntarily when using our contact form. The latter includes data that are mandatory to allow us to respond to your request for contact. The other optional data allow us to know you better.

In addition, when we collect data that you provide us during your contact request, we may extract anonymous pieces of information and combine them with others. This information is used and analyzed in an anonymous form and helps us to better understand certain trends and certain user behaviors.

We collect the personal data that you provide us as part of the contact form. We never associate the information entered in this form with the cookies that are placed on your terminal. All of our staff and operators who have access to personal data and are involved in their processing are subject to an obligation of confidentiality.

When you request our services and we obtain certain personal data from you, we only keep and use it as part of the service you request from us or for any other reason for which you have clearly communicated this data (information) to us.

Contact Information. The information we collect is as follows :
The information collected through the contact form is intended to(indicate the purpose(s)) and is process by LKB B.V.responsible for processing. 

The provision of data is of a (regulatory/contractual/compulsory) only the data indicated by (*) is mandatory. The others allow us to (). Do not provide the data(indicate the consequence of non supply of data) 

These data will be retained (indicate the shelf life of the data) and will not be accessible (indicate the category of data recipients) 

To exercise your rights to access rectification, erasure, data portability and processing limitation, please contact us at (register email. And physical address to exercise rights, you may also, for reasons related to your particular situation, object to the processing of your personal data. Finally you have the rights to set post mortem guidelines. 

Finally we wish to inform you that you can file a complaint with the national commission of information technology and freedoms if necessary( the mention is a bit heavy, but we are obliged. 

LKB BV may process personal data about you by using the services of LKB B.V. and/or because you provide them to LKB B.V. when completing a contact form on the website. LKB B.V may process the following personal data:

  • – First and last name
  • – Address data
  • – Telephone number
  • – E-mail address
  • – Other personal data that you actively provide, filling the contact form
  • – Location data

How long do we keep personal data?

Projectshop does not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to realize the purposes for which your data are collected.

Transfer outside the EU
As part of the management of your requests and traffic on our website, we may have to transfer data (cookies) to service providers located outside the European Union. Before any transmission of your data outside the European Union, we verify the rules applicable to data transfers outside the EU. To date, some of our service providers are located in the United States and have adhered to the principles of the “Privacy Shield”.

If you would like to know more about the “ Privacy Shield ”.

Data transmission
When you provide us with your data in order to be contacted by our services, they are processed only by internal and authorized staff of La Kaz Bourbon and are not subject to any transmission to external third parties.

Your rights
You have a right of access to data concerning you or can request its deletion. You also have a right of opposition for legitimate reasons, a right of rectification, portability and a right to limit the processing of your data (see for more information on your rights ).
To exercise these rights or for any questions about the processing of your data, you can contact our company:
• By email:
• By post: LKB B.V.
Bloemstraat 86 3
1016LE Amsterdam, The Netherlands

When you exercise your rights, you will need to provide us with proof of your identity.
Otherwise, we will not be able to process your request and we will reserve the right to refuse your request.

Of course we are happy to help you if you have complaints about the processing of your personal data. Under the privacy legislation GDPR you also have the right to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority against these processing of personal data.
You can contact the Data Protection Authority in your country.

Special and / or sensitive personal data that we process

Our website and / or service does not intend to collect data about website visitors under the age of 16. Unless they have permission from parents or guardian. However, we cannot check whether a visitor is older than 16. We therefore advise parents to be involved in the online activities of their children, among other things so as to prevent data about children from being collected without parental consent. If you are convinced that we are without that permission have collected personal information about a minor, please contact us via, and we will remove this information.

Our concern is to preserve the quality and integrity of your personal data. The technologies and the security policies applied by us and our technical service providers protect your data against any unauthorized access, any alteration, any malicious or accidental destruction and any unintentional loss of data. We are constantly improving our security procedures as technology evolves in order to maintain a maximum level of protection. Our staff and that of our subcontractors with access to personal data are
contractually bound by an obligation of confidentiality.

Advertising on our site
We do not have any advertising on our site.