Mauritius and Reunion Island : the proximity of the two sisters. “Photography, an authentic reality which transports us without moving, which makes us live without thinking” -Noé Wodecki. A quote that takes on its full meaning with this magnificent photo, taken simply on his phone by the Mauritian photographer Kounal Gopaul, on May 29 at the end of the day. Two days later, it was published by Réunion La Première, revealing Le Piton de la Fournaise, La Roche Ecrite, Cimendef or even the Piton des Neiges. Thus, the highest peaks of our island, thanks to a clear sky, were clearly visible from Mauritius on Chapman hill in Chebel. He was there, at the right time and place to capture the breathtaking and extraordinary view of our island. Fortunately, Kounal Gopaul will not stop there, he told the Mauritian press that he planned to visit the scene regularly for new photos of this type, while hoping, why not one day, to immortalize an eruption of the Piton de La Fournaise. Who would have believed it ! On the horizon would emerge such a magical sight, namely that Reunion Island is located 231 kilometers from the sister island. A little thought for our Reunionese brothers and sisters stranded in Mauritius. Far from the eyes , but not far from the heart, this photo reminds us that even if the distance seems enormous, we remain connected despite everything. The flight restrictions will soon be lifted for both islands, we will see each other again in a short time. Finally we can tell ourselves, a distance within reach … of the eyes.